Group Practice vs Hospital

One of the biggest questions you have to answer when starting your medical career is “Where do I want to practice medicine?”

Many established medical professionals own their own practices, or practice medicine in a doctor-owned group setting.

But more and more recent med school graduates are opting to work in a hospital setting.

Which is right for you?

Working in a hospital offers…

The security of a steady salary

Freedom from administrative and billing headaches

More lifestyle flexibility and a better work life balance.

But group practice has its benefits too.

By being a part of a doctor-owned group practice, you’ll retain much more control over the direction of the business.

You’ll also…

Avoid bureaucratic hospital policies and requirements.

Split overhead costs with your fellow physicians.

Share patients and clients with your partners, ensuring a steady flow of business for everyone.

If you want to practice medicine without the pressures of running a business, a hospital setting may be right for you.

If you prefer the freedom, control, and flexibility ofa group practice, it may be time to start your own, or to join an already established doctor-owned practice.

Remember, only you can decide what’s right for you!

To learn more about doctor credentialing, insurance, coding, outsourcing, and everything you need to establish a successful healthcare practice, follow all of Sherlock Doc’s adventures on the or Doctors Business Channel on YouTube!

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