Patient Experience

The patient experience in your medical practice is the #1 factor that determines whether or not that patient will return, recommend you to friends, and leave you positive feedback online. The patient experience is an opportunity to exercise quality customer service in addition to a great bedside manner. That means that every interaction in your office – from filling out intake forms to dealing with insurance – should be as positive and painless as possible.

The patient experience begins before the patient ever steps foot in your office. The swiftness with which their phone call is answered, and the ease and convenience of making their first appointment, both contribute to their perception of the practice as a whole. Once they arrive for their appointment, everything from interactions with staff to their seating options in the waiting room creates an unforgettable experience for the patient, whether good or bad. In order to create the best patient experience possible, put yourself in the patient’s shoes. Think of how you like to be greeted and cared for when visiting your doctor, and incorporate what you like into your own practice. For instance, you may want to offer bottled water or other beverages to patients in the waiting room, or make sure every patient is personally escorted out of the office after their appointment. Small details like these can make a huge difference in the patient’s overall experience of your practice, and will serve you well in retaining current clients and obtaining new referrals.

To learn more about doctor credentialing, insurance, coding, outsourcing, and everything you need to establish a successful healthcare practice, follow all of Sherlock Doc’s adventures on the or Doctors Business Channel on YouTube!.

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