Hawaii Medical Licensing Service

Fast, Easy & Efficient

Only $499

Call Now 1-866-866-7215

Let DBN licensing professionals help you with your Hawaii medical licensing!  With over 20 years of experience, we are fast, efficient, and very affordable. Call DBN at 1-866-866-7215 or fill out the form on this page. A Hawaii medical licensing professional will contact you today! Our prices can’t be beat! Contact DBN today!

Hawaii Medical Board

Hawaii Medical License Requirements & Fees
Hawaii Medical License Outlook

The Hawaii Physician License typically takes 45 to 120 days to issue from the date that the application is filed with the HI Med Board. All work history and employment for the past 5 years is required to be verified. The Hawaii Med Board does not recognize the LMCC Examination. (One of 5 State Boards that do not). Hawaii tends to be strict concerning their Educational, Training, and Examination Requirements. The State has a standard licensure process. Hawaii does not offer a Temporary License. Typically it is not needed. The Hawaii Medical Board does not require the applications to go before a Board Meeting to be approved.

Typically waivers are not granted to their posted Examination and Educational Requirements. They are one of the few Med Boards which do not require all Arrests and Convictions to be reported. The Physician is only required to report offenses that are within a general time window from the filing of the medical license application.

Additional Hawaii Medical Board Licensing Information:

Doctor’s Business Network can move the Hawaii Medical License process through quickly. The Board Members are typically accessible and the Board processes applications quickly. There is not a Mandatory Board Appearance Requirement. Fingerprint Background checks are not required. Hawaii has a streamlined process and verifies the Physician’s Core Credentials.

Contact Information Medical Board of Hawaii

If you would like more information about, Billing, Credentialing, Healthcare Marketing, Healthcare Websites or other DNB services, please contact us at info@doctorsbusinessnetwork.com, call 1-866-866-7215 or fill out the form on this page.

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Only $499!

Call DBN at 1-866-866-7215 or fill out the form below. A DBN Licensing professional will contact you today! Our prices can’t be beat! Contact DBN today!

License Requirements
Doctors Business Network