Setting Up a New Practice

Setting up a new medical practice is a big, exciting job! One that every private practice professional has faced. You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed when thinking about all the different areas of your business that need to be established. The most important part of setting up your new practice is planning ahead. Before you dive in and start signing contracts or applying for financing, it’s important to have a broad overview of what you’ll need.

Every new healthcare practice needs:

  • A strategic business plan
  • A clear-cut budget
  • Legal and financial support
  • Insurance
  • Credentialing
  • Facilities
  • Staffing

While it may feel like you’ve been buried by a mountain of to-do’s, starting a new practice can be a clear-cut, smooth, even enjoyable process. The key is planning and proper education about exactly what you need to do, and when.

To learn more about practice setup, finance, billing, insurance, coding, outsourcing…everything a health care provider need to succeed, join or visit Doctors Business Channel on YouTube!

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