Practice Website Development

More and more consumers are making buying decisions based on online research. Building a strong online presence will help prospective patients find your practice and make a buying decision on their own, saving you time and money trying to acquire their business. A strong, professional-looking website is a key marketing component of any successful practice.

Your website serves as a virtual storefront for your business. Poor design and development sends a strong message to your patients: if the quality of your website is poor, chances are the quality of your service will also be poor. There are virtually endless options for website development, but here are the top three choices used by most medical practices:

Option #1

You can design your site yourself using a platform like WordPress, Wix, or Weebly. This is by far the most cost-effective option and will give you total control over website updates.

However, it’s only an option for those who are relatively tech-savvy and able to dedicate time to website maintenance.

Option #2

Outsourcing your website development to a freelance web designer using a site like or Prices for these types of services typically range between $400 and $1500, depending on the developer’s experience.

Options #3

Work with an established web development firm that specializes in medical practice web design. Cost will depend on the size of your practice and how complicated your website needs to be. The cost of working with a large firm typically begins in the low thousands and can reach as high as five, or even six figures. When considering your web development options, think of your patient’s needs and how you want them to interact with your website. The seamless patient experience you create in your office should be extended to your online presence as well.

To learn more about doctor credentialing, insurance, coding, outsourcing, and everything you need to establish a successful healthcare practice, follow all of Sherlock Doc’s adventures on the or Doctors Business Channel on YouTube!.

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