Capital Funding Lenders

When traditional loans or lines of credit are not enough to meet the financial needs of your medical practice, it may be time to think about capital funding. Capital funding lenders offer medical professionals customized funding options that are accessible in a short amount of time. Capital funding can offer more flexible payment terms and lower interest rates than traditional loans. It can be used to finance the acquisition of assets, prevent missed payments, cover emergencies, and finance other unforeseen expenses. Capital funding lenders tend to have different payment terms than traditional lenders. Many allow for interest-only payments and a flexible payment schedule with no fixed maturation date.

These lenders often allow capital to be used for any type of purchase, and don’t require upfront collateral in order to approve funding. Capital funding lenders offer growing medical practices a fast, easy, inexpensive way to secure working capital.

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How can your medical practice stay afloat when it takes 30, 60, even 120 days for your customers to pay? The truth is that until you’re running an established practice, it’s very difficult to maintain a positive cash flow. One way around this problem is a process called money factoring. Money factoring allows you

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