
An effective medical practice advertising strategy uses online and offline advertisements that are hyper-local in their focus. Offline advertising can include:

  • Purchasing ads in local newspapers and magazines
  • Producing television and radio commercials
  • Getting listed in your local Yellow Pages, and adding your practice to the “Welcome Kit” typically sent to new residents by mail.

However, offline advertising should be used in conjunction with online advertising, which tends to be less expensive and help you reach a wider target audience. Online advertising includes:

  • Pay-Per-Click ads such as those that appear on search engines like Google
  • Ads placed on relevant websites that are popular with your target market
  • Facebook ads or other paid social media promotions
  • Advertising on local websites and community forums specific to your city or neighborhood

Another great way to spend your advertising dollars is to invest in Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. Doing so will help patients find your practice through organic online searches.

When a patient searches for a new doctor, they do so by typing in relevant keywords to a search engine like Google. A search for “Seattle physicians”, for example, will bring up hundreds of search results, and SEO will help ensure your practice is at the top of the list.

Begin with a set advertising budget, and create an advertising strategy based on your patient’s needs and communication style. If you serve elderly patients, for instance, offline advertising may be the most effective approach. If you serve Millennials, you may have better luck with Facebook advertising.

To learn more about medical billing, insurance, coding, outsourcing, and everything you need to establish a successful healthcare practice, follow all of Sherlock Doc’s adventures on the or Doctors Business Channel on YouTube!

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