How To Choose A Medical Transcription Company

Deciding to outsource your medical transcription needs to an outside company is a cost-effective way to streamline operations within your medical practice.

When choosing a good medical transcription company, there are several things to watch out for.

First, make sure the company offers phone support during the hours you need it most. A company that takes 48-72 hours to respond via email will be insufficient for any busy medical practice.

Next, make sure the medical transcription company has a roster of reputable clients who give them glowing reviews. If no reviews are available on their website, ask for direct referrals and the phone numbers of current clients.

Find out how the medical transcription company bills its clients. Opt for per-line billing over per-audio minute billing so you’re only paying for tangible, text-based results.

Ask the company how quickly they can have your medical transcriptions finished. A 24-hour turnaround time is standard, but some companies provide rush services in just a few hour’s time.

Finally, make sure that your office will have virtual access to all of your medical transcriptions.

Being able to access client’s records from your home, office, or on-the-go will streamline your operations and keep your office running smoothly.

To learn more about medical transcriptions, insurance, coding, outsourcing, and everything you need to establish a successful healthcare practice, follow all of Sherlock Doc’s adventures on the or Doctors Business Channel on YouTube!.

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