The Mystery Of Medical Transcription

Medical transcription is an integral part of the healthcare industry, and an important element of any growing medical practice.

Medical transcription was created to help doctors see more patients.

Instead of spending hours taking notes and filling out medical records, doctors can simply record their notes verbally into a digital recorder.

Once they are finished recording, the doctor then passes his or her notes on to a qualified medical transcriptionist.

A medical transcriptionist records, and sometimes edits, doctor’s reports, notes, and procedures into a written electronic format.

Oral dictations are transcribed into a standard electronic template, which serves as a record of the patient’s history and procedures.

Once the medical transcription is complete, many healthcare practices store the records electronically or digitally in order to save space and prevent clutter.

Electronic storage keeps patient records secure and makes it easy to access them the next time the patient is seen.

Medical transcriptions for your healthcare practice can be completed by an in-house staff member or outsourced to a company or independent contractor.

Whoever you hire to help you with medical transcriptions, it’s crucial that these important records be created accurately and with the utmost attention to detail. The welfare of your patients depends upon it.

To learn more about medical billing, insurance, coding, outsourcing, and everything you need to establish a successful healthcare practice, follow all of Sherlock Doc’s adventures on the or Doctors Business Channel on YouTube!.

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