How To Find Money Factoring Resources

Money factoring is a short-term solution to help you maintain a steady cash flow in your medical practice.

While factoring is not a traditional loan, it’s still important to shop around and a find a factor that isright for you.

There are 3 effective ways to find a money factoring company:

First, check trade publications like Modern Healthcare and Physicians Practice. Many factors advertise in healthcare-related magazines like these.

Second, talk to your financial advisor or banker. If you don’t qualify for a traditional loan, your banker may be able to refer you to a recommended money factor instead.

Remember that your eligibility to receive funds through factoring is based on your customer’s credit, which makes it a great option for startups and businesses with little credit, no credit, or bad credit.

Third, you can find a money factoring company by allowing factors to compete for your business.

We offers a free price-compare service to help you find factors based on your business size and needs. Simply fill out the form and factors will contact you with their most competitive rates.

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